Friday, January 27, 2012

New Design Ideas for a New Year

New Year's Resolutions are cheap. Everybody talks about them and nothing much happens except the gym suddenly becomes overly crowded for about a month. That being said, I've resolved to write more Honeybadger blogs this year, so here goes!

It's time to get some new designs out there methinks, but I'd love to get some feedback from you -- the few, the proud, the Honeybadger Army -- before ordering shirts and going to print. First up, St. Patrick's Day! Our Irish flavored shirts went over well last year, so we're going to give it another shot. Here are the two design ideas that have risen to the top so far:

This would be our first "word shirt" as far as I know. Personally, this is my favorite.
Also pretty sweet. I may be biased for the first, because this would be a little harder to print.

But of course, before St. Patrick's Day, there's that other saintly day that's not quite as fun. We happen to have some women's heather black shirts lying around, and I thought this simple design about love might be something Saint Valentine (and the mystery "tagger" in Des Moines) would appreciate.

Too simple? Or awesomely simple? What do you think?

Here's another idea for these shirts that's not quite so Valentine's Day themed:

Did you know there's a Honeybadger constellation? It's science.

Looking ahead a bit, we'll be attending the Sycamore Market in Iowa City on March 31. I thought it would be nice to bring something that Hawkeyes would appreciate, without getting into all the messy trademark issues with school logos. For those who don't know where Iowa got its nickname from, here's a fun fact for you: In 1838, Iowa approved the nickname the Hawkeye State in homage to the scout Hawkeye in James Fenimore Cooper's The Last of the Mohicans. That should help our design make a little more sense.

The original "Hawkeye."

Finally, the cold weather makes it hard to wear t-shirts all the time, and it can get old wearing the same Honeybadger hoodie everyday, so I thought we might add a jacket to our repetoir. With the recent announcement of the Urban Assault Ride date here in Des Moines (which coincides with a certain t-shirt company owner's birthday), we were inspired to trade the track theme for a bike theme. Team Honeybadger anyone?

That's all from the Honeybadger studios for now. Let us know what you think. Positive feedback will move these from the drawing room to the printing room in a hurry, while criticism is always welcome, and we will work to make the design better or scrap it all together. Either way we want to hear from you! Feel free to post comments here or on our Facebook Page. Thanks!

Dave Murrin-von Ebers
Chief Entertainment Officer


  1. I'd vote for the Drink shirt for St. Paddy's Day - my favorite, too.
    I also love the jacket with bike theme (and I like the blue, but I'm not sure I'd have it cover the entire bike...?)
    What about putting "Honeybadger constellation" on the shirt with the constellation design?
    How about a hawk and an eye??

    1. Wow, "mom" likes the drinking shirt? Interesting... Thanks, mom! You're the best :)

  2. Yay for track jackets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I love the track jackets too!

    Signe and I were thinking as we were doing the LHF race that a cool design could be a running shoe lifting off the ground with the honeybadger logo on the heel. Or somehow incorporate tracks walking away and the logo. I am not creative whatsoever, so that may actually be pretty lame, I don't know.

  4. I like this blog site layout.How was it .
