Monday, March 7, 2011

St. Patrick's Day Shirts

We've finalized our designs and ordered our St. Patrick's Day shirts. Before you know it, you'll be drinking your 8th Guinness and bragging about how awesome your Honeybadger t-shirt is to the half-conscious drunk person next to you. Check 'em out and pre-order your shirts now for $18. We'll make sure you get them there before St. Patrick's Day (unless you order them the day before and live in California). Check out the designs below and order them at

Irish Honeybadger Mens

Irish Honeybadger Womens

Celtic Clover Womens
Celtic Clover Mens

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I saw blue skies...They were glorious!

At noon on March 1, the sun was shining. It was 45 degrees Farenheit, but it might as well have been 45 celcius. All around Des Moines (and throughout the midwest) people were out in shorts and t-shirts like it was the greatest weather they had ever experienced. And in some regards, it was! In my opinion, the first day of truly warm, sunshiney weather (which actually happened in February this year) is the best weather of the year in the midwest.

It was not 45 when this picture was taken. Try 5. Seriously.

Due to months and months of dreary, depression-inducing cold, blustery days, the sudden relief of warmth and sunshine is borderline orgasmic. We midwesterners, quite frankly, go nuts. Our reaction to the sudden return of that which we have been depraved of is comparable to the relief the Chilean miners must have felt after reaching the surface after months of being trapped with 32 Chilean dudes. Okay maybe not that intense, but it's a pretty sweet relief nonetheless.

Being trapped with the ugliest of the ugly when it comes to weather--like the Roseanne of weather--makes even a relatively mediocre day such as today look like Jennifer Lawrence (or Brad Pitt for those of you who prefer dudes). 

December - February                                    March 1

This is something people who have lived in sunny Southern California will never understand. (Granted they get to see the likes of Jennifer Lawrence on a regular basis). But there is something truly wonderful about emerging from winter to see the sun again. It's the sweetness at the end of a Nuclear Warhead candy (remember those things?). It's seeing the end credits roll for The Last Airbender (I haven't actually seen it, so I'm basing this off of my personal relief when the trailer ended as well as its recent domination of the Razzies). It's that big greasy breakfast after hours of the most mind-splitting hangover of your life. It's ecstasy.

And while that sort of excitement about the weather doesn't last all summer (soon enough you'll be grumbling about the sweat running down your leg as you drive to work at 8 am), the midwest does go all out for spring and summer with a veritable orgy of outdoor events. We try to soak up every second of sunshine and non-freezing temperature, as well we should! Nothing peeves Iowans more than not being able to be outside when the weather is even the slightest bit nice in the spring. "It's 42 degrees and only party cloudy, what do you mean the patio's not open?!"

So even though it might snow tomorrow let's bask in today's gloriousness and the return of warmth by looking forward to the spring/summer events here in Des Moines as well as some events that are in the making from your beloved Honeybadger (get excited now).

St. Patrick's Day.
The day when everyone gets really drunk and shows their Irish pride. I have to say, the fact that the Irish not only condone a holiday that blatantly reinforces the stereotype of the drunken Irishman, but actively endorse it, makes me all the more proud to be more than 3/4 Irish. Need a new 'something green' to wear this St. Pat's? Check back soon for two new Honeybadger designs in honor of the Irish. I mean, real soon as the day is almost upon us! Here's a little sneak preview of a couple of design options. Thoughts?

Spring T-Shirts.
Ok, so we're a little behind on printing, but we have Spring designs that will be out before you know it. You will want to buy them immediately, put them on, go outside and start soaking up the Vitamin D that the winter has all but depleted from your body. 9 out of 10 doctors recommend it.

p.s. To show off our new line, we're planning a little fiesta at the Honeybadger Studios. If you missed the last one, you won't want to miss this one. Stay tuned for details.

So much more room for activities! Spring and summer bring tons of outdoor events such as my personal favorite, Dam to Dam, which already has my running legs excited. Also, El Bait Shop and New Belgium brewing are organizing "Fun Rides," starting March 12 and running through October.

I'm fairly convinced nobody mixes bikes and beer and as well as our great state--RAGBRAI of course leading the pack.

Even if you're not into the crowds and organized aspect of races and group rides, there are tons of trails to run and bike on this spring. Get out and use them. If you feel like getting out of the state for a bit, and you're a veritable badass, check out Tough Mudder, the coolest thing we here at Honeybadger have seen in some time. It's so cool, we're planning our own race/scavenger hunt/adventure extravaganza to bring to the great city of Des Moines. Seriously. More to come on this.

80/35. We are cautiously optimistic for another stellar 80/35 lineup, but the bands that have already booked other shows on the dates of 80/35 (July 2&3) have us a little worried. Nevertheless, we're crossing our fingers and praying the organizers at the BEST MUSIC FESTIVAL IN THE MIDWEST--which has featured The Flaming Lips, The Roots, Modest Mouse, Spoon, The Walkmen and more--will bring in the best acts yet. Personally I'm pulling for Passion Pit, Cake, LCD Soundsystem, The Beastie Boys, Girl Talk and a little local flavor from Poison Control Center and Strong Like Bear. Even if the bands flop, the festival, which also features some great vendors and street acts, is a better way to spend Independence Day weekend than stuffing your face with hot dogs and talkin' 'bout 'Merica while admiring your farmer's tan. Okay, you can do that too, but make sure you spend some time at downtown Des Moines' own little music mecca.

There's so much more, but I won't bore you with the details. Suffice it to sum things up with a long list of things to look forward to: Baseball, The return of Farmer's Markets, Patio season, Grilling out, Boating, Floating, Food on a Stick, Hiking, More Outdoor Concerts, Outdoor Art, Outdoors, outdoors, outdoors! (Don't forget your t-shirt).

Dave Murrin-von Ebers