Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Motorboating for a cause

It's that time of year again, when people get dressed up and walk around in pink. No, not Halloween, it's Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Each year more and more people get involved in this great cause, and no, unfortunately watching the NFL and commenting on Aaron Roger's new pink hat doesn't count. Never fear, we have a painless (and humorous) way for you to contribute. We've teamed up with our good friend Collen Hjortz, better known around town as Coco, to create a truly awesome t-shirt that will support an equally awesome cause.

Each year, Coco and another friend of ours, Kelly Shell, team up to guest bartend at a local establishment and donate all tips to the Susan G. Komen Foundation. This year's event will be held at the Fremont on Thursday, October 20 with the theme of "Motorboats." (If you don't understand, please see the Urban Dictionary definition). Enter the V-Neck Motorboat t-shirt.

Along with several ladies donating their um...selves... for $5 motorboats, Honeybadger will be selling these beautiful V-neck motorboat t-shirts for $15 with half the proceeds going to the Komen Foundation. If you can't make it to the event, you can get your awesome motorboat t-shirt and support the Komen foundation by ordering your shirt on the Honeybadger web site. Men's and Women's sizes are available. Join us in Motorboating for a cause!